Browsing Proceedings of the 2020 New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Annual Technical Conference by Author "Lee, Robin"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Cybershake NZ v19.5: New Zealand simulation-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
Bradley, Brendon; Tarbali, Karim; Lee, Robin; Huang, Jonney; Motha, Jason; Bae, Sung; Polak, Viktor; Zhu, Melody; Schill, Claudio; Patterson, James; Lagrava, Daniel (2020-04-22)This paper presents a concise summary of the computational workflow and results of the May 2019 version (v19.5) of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) in New Zealand based on physics-based ground motion simulations ... -
Source modelling considerations for ground motion simulation validation of moderate magnitude active shallow crustal earthquakes in New Zealand
Lee, Robin; Bradley, Brendon; Paterson, James; Graves, Robert (2020-04-22)This paper summarises progress toward NZ-wide physics-based hybrid broadband ground motion simulation validation of moderate magnitude (5.0 < Mw < 7.0), active shallow crustal earthquake events through low spatial resolution ...