Browsing Proceedings of the 2024 New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Annual Technical Conference by Title
Now showing items 37-56 of 103
Heritage Buildings and Community Sense of Place: Towards Addressing the Challenge of Earthquake Prone Heritage Buildings
(2024-04-09)New Zealand is a nation that has a significant amount of built heritage, of which there are several internationally recognised landmarks, including the Christchurch Cathedral, the Church of the Good Shepherd, and the Chateau ... -
Highbank Power Station Redevelopment – Design Process for a Concrete Encased Turbine and Generator Plinth Replacement
(2024-04-09)Manawa Energy, a renewable energy provider in New Zealand, operates a network of 26 power schemes from the Bay of Plenty in the North to Otago in the South. The Highbank Power Station stands as one of Manawa’s highest ... -
Holistic Considerations for Low-Rise Building Design
(2024-04-09)Two low-rise residential structures, a single-storey residential structure (SSRS) and one triple-storey structure (TSS), are initially described using building information modelling (BIM) software. The structures are then ... -
Impact of base conditions on the bracing performance of LTF walls
(2024-04-09)Residential buildings in NZ are often low-rise light timber-framed (LTF) buildings where LTF walls provide the gravity and lateral load resisting systems. LTF building construction largely follows the prescriptive standard ... -
Impact of seismic demand on construction costs
(2024-04-09)The legally binding earthquake performance requirements in New Zealand's Building Act and Building Code emphasise building collapse prevention, allowing for a certain degree of damage to resist the seismic load. However, ... -
Impacts of ground motion and scaling method selection on the performance of rocking wall systems with friction connections
(2024-04-09)Dynamic time-history analysis has long been regarded as an acceptable and reliable method for seismic design of structures not covered by codal guidelines and often referred to as "alternative" design. Resilient rocking ... -
Implications for Design of Parts and Components from Updates to New Zealand Seismic Loading Standard and National Seismic Hazard Model
(2024-04-09)New Zealand engineering practitioners will see revisions to the seismic loading standards for non-structural elements (parts and components) in the draft technical specification TS1170.5. This paper considers the implications ... -
Improving Post-Earthquake Emergency Management of Heritage Buildings
(2024-04-09)The emergency response is one of the most thorny and challenging activities for the local and national authorities. It is necessary to act quickly and in an effective manner - any delay or misstep could cost lives and ... -
Improving structural performance of an existing EBF and moment frame structure using fluid viscous dampers
(2024-04-09)Improving the performance of existing buildings is a critical function for engineers and one of the most impactful ways we can improve the sustainability of buildings. By re-using and upgrading existing building stock, we ... -
Improving the Post-Earthquake Response of Hospitals: The Implementation of Priority Response Agreements
(2024-04-09)It is vital that decisions on which hospital buildings can continue to be used following damaging earthquakes are made quickly. A key component of the decision-making process is timely input from experienced engineers ... -
Indicators for quantifying post-disaster functionality: a neighbourhood scale
(2024-04-09)Natural disasters, such as earthquakes and cyclones, affect people physically and mentally. They can be destructive to the built environment, hindering infrastructure, lifelines, buildings and homes, which all support the ... -
Informing Clients on the Business Case for Seismic Resiliency
(2024-04-09)The role of structural engineer has been to ensure life safety of building occupants during a seismic event. In the past, a singular focus on this performance target has resulted in structures that relied on the dissipation ... -
Innovative design methodology for secant pile walls
(2024-04-09)Many infrastructure projects in New Zealand require deep excavations in unstable granular, soft or liquefiable soil below the water table. The use of secant piles to form temporary or permanent retaining walls supporting ... -
Insights into the Response of Multi-Storey Eccentrically Braced Frame Steel Structures to Earthquake Ground Motion
(2024-04-09)Insights were gained from the 2010 Christchurch earthquake series into the performance of eccentrically braced frame (“EBF”) buildings up to around 20 storeys high. An elastic-plastic finite element analysis method using ... -
Investigating the interaction between rocking amplitude and ground motion characteristics via artificial neural networks
(2024-04-09)Unreinforced masonry structures are particularly vulnerable to out-of-plane seismic loading. During an earthquake, masonry walls behave as rigid bodies undergoing rocking motion. Thus, from a dynamics perspective, their ... -
Liquefaction-Induced Parabolic Subsidence Method for analysis of shallow foundations
(2024-04-09)In New Zealand, the document “Repairing and Rebuilding Houses Affected by the Canterbury Earthquakes" issued by the MBIE, has been widely embraced by consulting engineers and local authorities as a reference for building ... -
Low-Rise Buildings Guideline – Stage 1 Review
(2024-04-09)The seismic assessment of low-rise buildings is an important area of seismic assessment in New Zealand given the prevalence of these types of structures, especially outside the main centres. The Joint Committee for the ... -
Machine Learning Correction of Overpredicted Liquefaction Manifestation using Liquefaction Severity Number
(2024-04-09)Many of state-of-practice methods for predicting liquefaction manifestation, such as the Liquefaction Severity Number (LSN) of van Ballegooy et al. (2014) are known to suffer from significant overprediction in regions ... -
Moment Curvature Analysis of wide-flange steel columns with local buckling dominant mode of failure
(2024-04-09)One of the key information that can provide an insight into the seismic behaviour of structural elements is their force-displacement curve. Such a curve can be obtained based on a moment-curvature analysis and using an ... -
Multi-scenario approach for the assessment of liquefaction exposure and impact across New Zealand State Highways
(2024-04-09)Events such as the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence or the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake demonstrated the impacts of liquefaction and lateral spreading across New Zealand infrastructure networks. Statistical liquefaction ...