Browsing Proceedings of the 2024 New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Annual Technical Conference by Title
Now showing items 80-99 of 103
Seismic Performance of Prefabricated Modular Mass Timber Structures with Inter-Story Isolation.
(2024-04-09)Prefabricated Modular Mass Timber (MMT) construction provides an alternative to traditional on-site light timber construction. MMT buildings comprise of prefabricated volumetric modules assembled on-site to form a larger, ... -
Seismic Ratcheting Considerations
(2024-04-09)This paper describes recent research conducted to understand the effects of structural characteristics on the seismic response of single storey structures with a ratcheting tendency. The ratcheting tendency was characterised ... -
Seismic resilient structures using pre-cast pre-stressed concrete panels for modular construction
(2024-04-09)Earthquake resiliency combined with sustainability can be achieved through state of the art technology and construction methods. In this paper, a new construction methodology is proposed for resilient and sustainable ... -
Seismic response of frames with building cladding elements
(2024-04-09)This paper presents the concept, methodology and findings of the analysis of frames with building cladding elements exposed to seismic events. Inelastic nonlinear push-pull analyses, and hand analyses, are conducted to ... -
Seismic response of sustainable, resilient eccentrically braced frames
(2024-04-09)“Circular design” and “Construction 4.0” are two distinct concepts that can be complementary and beneficial within the construction industry while prioritising sustainability. Nascent global Construction 4.0 knowledge ... -
Seismic Resurrection of 13-storey Apartment Building at 66 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch
(2024-04-09)This precast concrete apartment building at 66 Oxford Terrace was completed in 2005 and has considerable architectural merit. The Engineers employed by the Body Corporate post the CES of 2010 / 2011 discovered that the ... -
Seismic Retrofitting Concrete Structures with Post-installed Connections in New Zealand
(2024-04-09)Seismic Retrofitting of concrete structures in New Zealand is of utmost importance, as highlighted by the most recent catastrophic Canterbury earthquakes in 2010 and 2011. With more than 2,800 earthquake-prone buildings ... -
SESOC Retaining Wall Design Guide - Methodology and Validation
(2024-04-09)Some years in development, the SESOC Cantilever Timber Pole Retaining Wall Design Guide has been prepared in response to the need for a comprehensive, coherent design basis, albeit for low rise, cantilever, walls. Though ... -
Shake-table test of flexural RC beams subjected to different levels of repair
(2024-04-09)Typically, damaged reinforced concrete (RC) building components are fully repaired to achieve the highest performance recovery. However, this repair objective may not necessarily be essential to achieve building performance ... -
Shake-Table Testing of the Resilient Slip Friction Joints
(2024-04-09)A consortium of university researchers (UoA, AUT and UC) from New Zealand and Tongji University have undertaken shake-table tests of various friction damping devices. This testing program is under the banner of the ROBUST ... -
Shallow Shear Wave Reflection Surveys in the Wellington CBD
(2024-04-09)Seismic reflection profiles using shear waves provide constraints on the thickness of sediments beneath the Wellington CBD. New shear wave source and acquisition methods were trialled for use in urban environments to ... -
Simple Three-layer Pagoda Analysis
(2024-04-09)This paper describes the construction of a simplified three-storey pagoda and its behaviour. The following are developed: (i) a 1/20 scale 3-D printed overall structure model, (ii) a 1/10 scale 3-D printed model of one ... -
Soil structure interaction in laterally displacing ground
(2024-04-09)Design or assessment of structures founded on ground with a potential for seismic induced ground displacements requires careful consideration of the associated soil structure interaction (SSI). These seismic ground ... -
Standardised timber moment-resisting frames for multistorey buildings
(2024-04-09)The paper presents preliminary findings from an extensive experimental testing campaign (Project Skyscraper) performed on full-scale moment-resisting timber frames intended for application in multistorey buildings. The ... -
Te Living Pā: Kaitiakitanga; Whanaungatanga; Akoranga
(2024-04-09)The Living Pā is a 3-storey mass timber building currently being constructed for Te Herenga Waka Victoria University at their Kelburn Campus. Full Living Building Challenge certification is a central goal for the project. ... -
Testing the cyclic strain softening behaviour of an ageing puddled clay core dam
(2024-04-09)Seismic resilience of the 150-year-old Ross Creek puddled clay core water supply dam in Dunedin has recently been enhanced through a programme of refurbishment. The very low permeability moderately plastic soils comprising ... -
The ROBUST Steel Building Response
(2024-04-09)The ROBUST test programme describes the full-scale shaking table testing of nine different steel frame building configurations on the Tongji University shaking tables. Energy dissipation occurs by means of friction devices ... -
The role of risk perception, risk communication, and comparative risk principles in resilience building
(2024-04-09)Increasing resilience to earthquakes through choices such as building design requires people to understand, evaluate, and act on risk. Therefore, any communication efforts, either formal or informal, which are aimed at ... -
The use of 3D LE methods to calculate slope stability during strong earthquake shaking
(2024-04-09)This paper discusses the application of three-dimensional (3D) limit equilibrium (LE) analysis for slope stability, with a focus on seismic considerations. While traditional 2D limit equilibrium analyses have been extensively ... -
Time History Analysis is easy, and you should do it: Here’s how.
(2024-04-09)Time history analysis is generally regarded as a highly specialised and deeply technical process. There is also a growing divide between different schools of thought around how analysis should be done. On the one hand, ...